
Pest Control in Rockville, MD

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Rockville Exterminator & Pest Control Services

Did you know that the typical lifespan of a mosquito in the Rockville area is 5-6 months? That's a long time to be miserable and scratching. Take your summers back and call the 5-Star Pest Control experts at CroppMetcalfe to help take care of mosquitoes, as well as all of the following pests:

For bad infestations, over the counter solutions and home remedies just won't do the trick. Sure, you can kill a few ants here and there, but when the problem needs professional help, make sure you contact the 5-Star Pest Control experts at CroppMetcalfe.

They have years of experience and have all of the techniques and materials to solve all of your pest control problems. Our service agreements insure that your home or business will be treated regularly. This gives you the peace of mind that you won't have to worry about those bumps in the night.

Testimonials from Rockville, Maryland

"Eddie, technician was very professional and courteous. Completed internal and external areas in a very timely manner. Offered advice and suggestions to better my home. Thanks Eddie and Cropp for excellent customer service."

- Danna J.

(301) 762-0100
1162 Taft St.
Rockville, MD 20850